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Hpd-10's spozed to have new sound banks,but the functions are limited.I think the 15 is better . Forget using hand drum technique on it.The techique is more ,like bad typing ,kind of punching with an extended finger.Doesn't play anything like any hand drum, I know of. This might be appealing to nonpercussionists,but could further the dangersous and altogether too common belief that percussion instruments dont; require technique or knowledge.It does do mute/open things and attack sensitivity. It's definately possible to get some very nice stuff out of it. Some of the samples sound good. I 've never been willing to pay 9 bills for a hpd15 ad I wouldn't pay 5 for the 10 ,but I would pay 5 for a used 15,it would be useful for sure.Esp for these SF burningmantribe gigs with massive subwoofers and no monitors _________________________________________________________________