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Re: Exposed to the music of the 60s while incubating inside mothers / musical preference

Closest I can get was in the womb at a Led Zeppelin concert, aparently
kicked right along with Bonham's kick, and that guy had a fast foot!

On 7/24/07, Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net> wrote:
> Well, my father, who went to Woodstock and many other wild and crazy
> concerts during the 60's, listened to some interesting music while I was 
> the womb and continued to after I was born...which I'm sure influence my
> outlook on music preference - though being a borderline hard determinist 
> believe most of our personalities and preferences are fixed at 
> Just a sample of what my dad listened to during my early years:
> The Crazy World of Arturo Brown - anyone remember him shouting at the 
> of the song..."I am the god of all hell fire"...and "fire, we're gonna 
> to you hell"..."your gonna burn,  you're gonna burn...". I bought the CD 
> few months ago to jog my memory.
> - German war marches and war speeches from Hitler (on vinyl)...probably a
> collector album now, with giant swastika banners on the front cover with
> Hitler at the podium and thousands of soldiers in the audience  (and no, 
> not an anti-Semite).
> - Black Sabbath's self titled album released in 1970 (not 60's but my dad
> never let go of the 60's until the late 70s)..."What is this that stands
> before me..."
> - Hawkwind's "Space Ritual Live" - again an early 70's album but in line
> with what he listened to in the 60's...."Flying is trying is 
> psychedelic stuff. Who knows what he played while I was in the womb in 
> And of course, a lot...A LOT of Bob Dylan.
> ....many more than this, and in the meantime, my mother was trying to
> counter-balance all of this with 60's folk music, playing and singing it 
> the guitar.
> Kris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: stillllscary@netzero.net
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Cc: stillllscary@netzero.net
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:47 AM
> Subject: Re: LOVING NON NATIVE MUSICAL TRADITIONS: was 'gypsy caravan 
> i wonder how much being exposed to the music of the 60s while incubating
> inside our mothers influenced us to gravitate toward musical 

---Miles Ward