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I'm starting to prepare a small gig which will focus on field recordings. Instead of just staring at my notebook with Ableton Live or something, and playing the stored field recordings, I think I will use my midified guitar to make it potentially more interesting, with different notes triggering different samples (of field recordings) ... and of course it would be nice to loop them ... maybe I'll add a little bit guitar. So the notebook (Windoze) would have to a) take in midi signals from the guitar midi controller, and some sampling software on the notebook would then play back the samples, and ideally b) take the output from the sampling software, plus possibly incoming audio from the guitar, and loop both of it in Moebius which would have to be controlled by a midi footpedal. So two different kinds of midi input would be necessary. I have no idea if and how this is possible. Ideas anyone? and would a not-too-generously-equipped notebook be able to handle all these tasks at all? At the moment, it seems more realistic to use the notebook just as a sampler, and use my EDP (hmmm ... mono only ... maybe in conjunction with my trusty old Paradis looper?) to loop the notebook's output. -Michael