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Re: general question about equipment

In a message dated 8/2/2007 3:35:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 7stringviper@earthlink.net writes:
What would be your minimum specs recommended for a PC laptop to handle Ableton Live and live looping?  I am very definitely a "novice computer handler"!
If you are talking a laptop, I would think 2.0 core 2 duo & 2 gig of ram would be enough but I still run out of room with the heavier plug ins like Stylus & Reaktor. Get as much as you possibly can and shoot for a laptop that can be upgraded to accommodate 4 gig of RAM. Actually, a single core is just as efficient in many senses, but you won't find too many these days in new laptop configurations. It seems the real issue is memory and not so much processor speed.
I tell you what. You get a laptop with 100-200 gig SATA. The aforementioned minimal processor and RAM. You go out and buy a decent audio/midi interface. You hook up a basic midi foot controller to your interface. You download a free program (provided you use a PC) called Mobius. You take 200.00 of the 500.00 you were going spend on the hardware looper and send it to the guy that wrote and designed the program with his gratis in mind. You put the other 300.00 in your pocket and do whatever with it that suites your needs best. You now have a completely reliable looper that is 10 times as functional and capable as any hardware looper on the market for under $1000.00 It is no less likely to fail in a live situation than any other looper on the market.    

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