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RE: "Virtual Repeater" Software

Uh, well they also seem to have inherited their communication style.  They
announced a new hardware Repeater... where was the press release saying,
"Oh, to those of you who are waiting, we couldn't do it."  I remember being
assured it was really going to happen.  I'd long since abandoned the idea 
a new hardware looper of any kind, but come on.  If they'd come out and
said, "We're so sorry, we really wanted this product to see the light of 
but conditions beyond our control made it impossible.  Thank you for all
your patience, love Electrix" I'd have given them an amazing amount of
points.  Instead they put up a press release for a software Repeater and
don't even bother seeding this list?  Silly.

Unless Electrix II wants to continue in their ancestor's footsteps, perhaps
they'd spend some time talking to their client base a little.

To those of you old enough to remember (;)) I was the biggest proponent of
the original Repeater.  I spent lots of time beta testing v1.1, and for a
long time I felt like I was Repeater customer service.  I did both 
and I have no regrets, but if anyone's out there listening at Electrix, 
time try to be a little more forthcoming with real information.  Remember,
this is the information age... and the new Repeater IS PURE INFORMATION

-----Original Message-----
From: William Walker [mailto:billwalker@baymoon.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 9:21 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: "Virtual Repeater" Software 

Before everyone starts ragging on Electrix
again, I'd like to remind you all that these are new owners with absolutely
nothing to do with the subterfuge that the original regime pissed everyone
off with. They did however inherit the Repeater with all of its personality
quirks and are doing what they can, given that the technology is over ten
years old, and they are limited purely to software upgrades, as the age and
unavailability of parts makes doing actual hardware mods virtually