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Re: Bidule

On 16 aug 2007, at 12.29, Sjaak wrote:

> Hi, I have a question regarding Bidule and it's usage. I'm using  
> synths and samplers only and interested in replacing a part of my  
> hardware setup with software. I'm not using software in my live  
> setup, only hardware.
> Current setup - For every live song I play I currently have  
> progammed a "patch" in a hardware midi patchbay containing all the  
> required progam changes, transposes, keyboard solits etc. This way  
> you can quickly change your setup with the push of 1 button. All  
> the audio is routed and mixed with normal analog mixer. My TC D2  
> and DD-20 are using AUX send/return (stereo).  A very  
> straigthforward and traditional setup in other words.
> I have quickly checked http://www.plogue.com/ and my question is if  
> I could use Bidule + a midi footcontroller to replace both my  
> analog mixer and midi patchbay. Something like a modular audio and  
> midi mixer running on OSX. Can Bidule save different setup's and  
> can you recall it using midi?

I think the correct answer to you final questions is yes, but in  
order to be completely sure you should post your question at the  
Bidule forum.

The aspect I'm not so sure about is what would be the best way to  
recall one of your set-ups by external MIDI. My guess is that you  
should not go for the method to make Bidule load a new set-up from  
disk, because this may induce a problem live (the limit when time  
delay in a show becomes "a problem" is kind of floating). I guess it  
would be better to use a Bidule module called "MIDI Switcher" in  
combinations with another one called "Audio Switcher". These modules  
are just like patchbays where one signal path can be switched into  
16, 32, 64 or 128 alternative directions. Each such new direction  
could mean an entirely unique patching set-up, equalling one of your  
songs. So unless you plan to perform more than 128 songs in a show  
this might for you. Good thing is also that the Switcher tags not in  
use are muted and completely unloaded the CPU (might not be so  
important for you, since you use a lot of hardware anyway).

Regarding "replacing analog mixer" you should know that Bidule  
doesn't come with built-in filters etc, like for example Logic.  
However, you should be able to build any kind of audio processing  
device though, like people do in max/msp, but that requires quite  
some time spent in front of the screen. Myself I prefer to set up a  
mixer in Bidule with the use of third-party plug-ins for filtering,  
reverb etc. And as for the MIDI patching it seems you would just need  
to drag some virtual cables to the right MIDI outputs, since you  
already have your stuff together on the hardware side. The MIDI  
Switcher, mentioned above, is set by default to react to incoming  
MIDI Program Change, as in PC#1 activating output tag 1 while muting  
all others and vice versa. Now, if you build your MIDI and Audio  
routing setups under the Switcher tags corresponding to the same MIDI  
Program Change number as your hardware setup for the particular song,  
only one button press will be needed.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)