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RE: repeater = looperlatve comparisons please... how do they feeeeeel... man?

I am a looperlative owner. Development was going gangbusters for the longest time but has been dormant for a while. recently, one of the developers posted that they will be getting back to it in the near future (I’m interested in having them add an audible click similar to the repeater).


From: markfrancombe@gmail.com [mailto:markfrancombe@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 3:29 PM
To: loopers-Delight
Subject: repeater = looperlatve comparisons please... how do they feeeeeel... man?


Hi All,


been busy for a bit, now back...


Repeater has been a bit neglected in my rack for a bit, but I still like the
pitching capabilities, but I just wish it FELT more in tune with me when I
played.. Does anyone know what I mean? With the EDP I press buttons and
feeeel an immediate response, basically cos the edp is so good at small
divisions of sound (SUSing and INSERTING etc...) but the Repeater some how
seems slow, laggy, and a bit tired...

SO... I have 3 questions really...

1. Has anyone tried sequencing the track slip on Repeater?, IE programmng streams of CC's?? I have tried sequencng the pitch, cant think how I did it now... cos I only got ANalog sequencers, wiv knobs on.. but I did... and Repeater was very slow at changing pitch, so it was just a pretty wobbly mess... used it for one track of course, but after that the interest wore off, but to do the same thing with the track slip, you could effectively do some reaaranging glitchy stuff, as you play???

2. What do people think of the Repeater upgrade after such a long time
coming... should I get it?


3. SHOCK HORROR... I was thinking of selling it and some unused SKB racks
and a Korg synth and working late for a few weeks and getting a Looperlative

Ta ta!!!
So I downzoned the PDF manual and read... sounds impressive.... no pitch
shifting (apart from octave right?) so it aint a replacement for repeater,
but lots of tracks (not sure if I care about that either) interesting sounding synching stuff, scrambling sounds cool...

BUT>>>>> HOW DOES IT FEEL...MAaaan???

I couldn't help but notice Zoë offloading hers (Hi Zoë! ) why
exactly?? I also worry about the amount of midi pedal fiddling... all those
tracks, all that hidden away stuff, (some of us are never gonna be as clever as Per, or as tidy as Claud (saw your racks... bastard!!)) So will I be forever upping and downing thru banks on my pedals? Or do I just need 4 really...?

Will people see me playing geetar on stage?

Or will they see me peering into a rack, with a mag-light scolling thru menus?

Comparisons between Repeater and Looperlative welcomed into my home, of thier own free will.

Cheers...lots of love



PS/  Im gonna be in California for a week in September (from 17th) specifically Ventura, but prob passing thru SF or LA, depends on the flight... therfore I will be available for drinking engagements and loopng chats/gigs (unfortunately I wont have any gear wth  cos Im  there on work, filming a doc about an ethical sportsware company actually...)


So... Whaaasup??? (I believe is the correct vernacular?)

pps..Rick... What no YKxxx this year... boo hoo...

mark francombe\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
marks website is at
He writes for www.furthernoise.org
and works at www.transformlearning.com




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