"Great Expectations"....before that "Moby Dick"
(again), and next month another classic. I won't even have time in my lifetime
to finish all the great classics and great science fiction works, to I hardly
ever read modern literature. The last thing I read was "Letter to a Christain
Nation" by Sam Harris, and before that "The God Delusion" by Dawkens, and before
that "House of Leaves" (freakin' bizarre), and before that "The Starry
Wisdom: A Tribute to HP Lovecraft" a work that most people probably
don't have the stomach to read because it is so utterly free thinking and
provocative that they would deem the work repulstive and amoral after
no more than a few pages... but the artwork and creative imagery is
----- Original Message -----
what has everyone been reading of late? a wonderful
book that i finished a bit ago "CLOUD ATLAS" by david mitchel, i highly
recommend, (mr peters, i think you would really enjoy this).....i'm reading
now "SACRED GAMES" by vikram chandra, a story of an indian detective in
bombay, great insite into indian culture.....i'm waiting for the fifth book by
george r.r. martin in his A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series, sort of an adult
sword and sorcery story, some neat ideas in this group of books.....i can not
remember who wrote it but "THE STORY OF PI" was a delight.....nothing heavy
but all fun stuff.....add to this, a re-reading of all my equipment
manuals.....someone wrote last week that true happiness can begin after
killing one's t.v., i'm ready, the so called entertainement is sad and the
news and weather is overwhelmingly depressing (wtf is going on?????).....i
always get a great reading list when this question is asked so thnaks in
www.ct-collective.com http://mysite.verizon.net/vzepmeci/ http://www.myspace.com/klobuchar11
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