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Re: o.t. READING

One more, and music related. (but not loop-ish)

"Really The Blues" by Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe. Copyright 1946.

Great autobiography by jazz artist Mezzrow and also focusses a lot  
on  one of his "activities" that he also became well known for in  
Harlem in the 1920's and beyond.
You will just have to read the book to find out what that was. :-)

BTW, Mezz was White, but he seemed to more prefer the company and  
friendship (and?) of members of the Black (and music) community way  
back then,
which was certainly *not* something that most Whites were inclined to  
do in America in those ugly and brutal segregation days.
(And way too many Americans still are like this, even today. Sad.)

Definitely some REVcommended reading, but is not the easiest book to  
At least it wasn't for me until I finally found a used paperback copy  
about 5 years ago.  Well worth trying, though...

-Rev. Fever