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Re: a few questoins about the rc20

Donald W Brown <dwbrown@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
Hello Loopers,

i've been using the rc20 for about a year now, and i've a few questions regarding possible modifications.

please accept my apologies in advance, i am not very techy.

is there a way to get the click as a separate signal out? i'm guessing that being that there's a flashing green/red light, there might be a way to 'hijack' that signal and put it into a separate out-going track, one that could be then redistributed via headphones and such?

for whatever reason, i cannot sync to the light alone. i'm playing a lot of complex rhythms, and i need to hear the click, i just don't want an audience to hear it.

"the erase/bring-back whatever was last last recorded" function (holding down left pedal for a few seconds), any way of making that an instantaneous function?

are these things possible or should i be looking at other equipment, and if so, suggestions?

thank you all,

i'm just wondering if any of these things are even possible.

Also (while we're on the subject), I'd REALLY like to be able to isolate the input signal from the output, ie have a completely wet signal out.


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