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Re: eh 2880 midi capabilities...!!!

Yes. Interesting. Thanks Charles, Kely,Travis.
I love this forum... kisses for all!.


2007/8/26, Travis Hartnett < travishartnett@gmail.com>:
That's very interesting, and appears to be significantly different
from what I remember of the MIDI capabilities when the thing was first
released.  However, this part appears to be a major drag:

" There must be at least 300mS between each button push message."

Since I was hoping that one could program an FCB to mute the current
track and then unmute another track and start recording on that track
with one button push, but it sounds like that would happen too quick
for the EH to process.


The Playing Orchestra: http://www.telefonica.net/web2/tpo
Chain Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.com
TPO at myspace: http://www.myspace.com/theplayingorchestra