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Re: RME Firewire 800 and Guitar Amp Sim - Preamps

DAMN! dont know what amp that was but yer a mann after my own heart.
i like to find the resonant frequency of the room i'm playin-then tune to 
that and...e v e r y t h i n g vibrates...i saw god once.

>From: Krispen Hartung... 
>In high school jazz band (many, many years ago), I played a Gibson SG 
>reissue plugged into this HUGE Fender amp....it was about 5 feet tall, 
>one piece. It must have had 8 10" speakers or 2 15" speakers (not sure), 
>the thing was monstrous! It could literally make the cloth on my pant 
>shake and cause things to vibrate off the shelf in the band room. I 
>got expelled from school for playing that amp too loud. At basketball 
>we played rock songs during the line up....that amp filled the entire 
>gynmasium with sound, as I played AC/DC's "Hell's Bells" with a 
>recording of a bell. Great fun those days where.  The amp was used by a 
>player the prior year, so any clue on what it was? I think it was a 