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more on tube preamps

 The Andrew Mod, for the Mesa formula preamp,  I became aware of through 
reviews on Harmony Central http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/tab.html,
and everyone there swore that the mod made the lead channels much more open
sounding with out the characteristic mid range honk some boogies have. I 
in touch with the guy Andrew on the Boogie board forum ,
http://forum.grailtone.com/, and though he doesn't use the Formula Pre  any
more, he was nice enough to send me the instructions and schematics, which
I'd be happy to send to any one off list,  as they are PDF files.
 As for chaining preamps in series, I like to add different over drive
flavors together to create one massive one, that's been going on since
Hendrix!!!!! Both of my overdrives are of the less extreme tube overdrive
type but together they can create a more fuzz type smooth distortion.
Incidently, my guitar first hits a Duncan pickup booster pedal that I leave
on at 6 db boost, then a Keeley compressor, and then the overdrives.
 That black box thing looks really cool though it seems like more of a
buffer preamp device than a real tweak-able  preamp. Sort of like the VHT
Valvulator or the Sunrise tube DI. And yes they are great for warming up
your signal and correcting pick up and effects loading. But not really for
tone shaping.
My best 

-----Original Message-----
From: Luca Formentini [mailto:luca@unguitar.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 4:44 PM
To: billwalker@baymoon.com
Subject: Re: RME Firewire 800 and Guitar Amp Sim

Bill wrote:

> Yes , I've been really happy with both the the direct recording and 
> live performance results, and for now, until I can get my tech friend 
> to do the "Andrew Mod' , a simple three or four resistor and capacitor 
> modification some web techy came up with that de-honks the lead channels,
this is interesting Bill, can you please let us know something more ?

> I overdrive the front end of the formula with either a Duncan twin 
> tube (phenomenal) or a Keeley modified Boss blues driver (ditto), if I 
> want furrier sounds.
this is another interesting thing: chaining preamps in series.

...that brings me up to this: 

I have also got crazy to find a half rack tube preamp. This is not 
exactly a preamp but it would be interesting check out it works...

my best,