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Hi Krispen and Luca, Krispen about his guitar tone: "...I tend to turn the high end nobs down to 0% or at the most 25%, mid range about 45%, and low end anywhere between 50% to 80%. That generally gets me the EQ I like." Have you read Nels Cline's opinion about guitar amps ang guitar tone, especially in his "amp de jour" article? He seems to be using about the same settings as you are. And Luca said: "The electric guitar by itself is basically a piece of wood with a pickup and strings on it....sounds like total crap when you run it through a regular line input or mixer board, etc." Although I'm well aware of the fact that you have years of deep research in electric guitar sound under your belt, I dare to disagree here. It doesn't sound total crap, it just doesn't sound what people come to expect from electric guitar sound. Same goes if you take a really good drumkit, put it in a good room and mike it with two or maximum three excellent mikes (no close-miking, mind you), record that properly and then play that recording to contemporary pop/rock listeners and ask them whether this is a good drum sound. Rainer