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AW: RME Firewire 800 and Guitar Amp Sim - Preamps

> problem. My argument, only from my own personal perspective 
> and requriements, is that the undesireableness has to do with 
> the fact that what many people have come to recognize as a 
> "nice" electric guitar sound, is produced from an amp, or at 
> least a decent amp simulator.  There is nothing you are going 

So that also falls into the same line of argument as my modern rock/pop 
sound analogy. People have come to expect that combo of close-miking with a
combination of condensers/moving coils/PZMs, aggresive EQ, compression and
gates for a true drum sound, although this does not have anything to do 
what a drum sounds like.

> Sometimes, I'm forced to play
> > unprocessed (like at the y2k6loopfest main festival gig of which 
> > you'll find the recordings on the festival website) because 
> my ampsim 
> > crashes, but I wouldn't call it crap apart from my own playing.
> "crap" was my choice of subjective expressions, meaning "I 
> don't likeeee". 

Well, I don't like it either if and when my ampsim crashes mid-performance