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In the last 24 hours since I took this poll we have 32 people who voted for leaving things as they are (no new list for off topic votes) No one voted for option 1 which was to have a separate list (although the person who wanted the offtopic posts moderated, Mark Sottilaro hasn't voted yet and I imagine but am not sure, that our fearless leader, Kim Flint probably would vote 1 as well). one person voted 3 one person said either 1 or 2 but liked the new option 3 as well. and then there was Michael Klobuchar's post which I haven't figure out yet. (help me out Scootster------ a 1 or a 2?) In just the last 35 posts of people who voted in the poll, this is a virtual landslide. Everyone seems to want to just keep LoopersDelight the unmoderated forum that it has been since it's inception. I vote for that as well (I didn't vote at first because I wanted the results to be impartial and I was taking the poll). Let's start posting about looping! What a great idea. Yours, Rick