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Re: vortex

The only thing more fun than a Vortex is ...

THREE of THEM ... in series ... the 2005 album was done with a Fender Squier, an Ebow, a pair of Morley A/B switches and a trio of Lexicon Voretxes ... straight to the hard drive... http://usrslashsbin.angrek.com/audio/nasoalmo/

...and that's just an example of what's so cool about htem and what you can do with them. I am currently working on a box to take the output from my expression pedal and drive all 3 at once ...

Dennis Moser

On 10/12/07, Qua Veda <qua@oregon.com> wrote:
The vortex seems very popular with loopers and experimentalists.
In a nutshell,  what does it do?

-----Original Message-----
From: tEd R KiLLiAn [mailto:tedkillian@charter.net ]

>> Am now waiting for my Lexicon Vortex which I got off ebay to arrive!!!

What fun!

I own a couple of those myself.

I never play without at least one

Andy Butler (also on the LD list) is a Master at getting the most out
of the Vortex.

I think he has a web page somewhere dedicated to tips and tricks, etc.

I don't have the link handy at the moment though.

