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The Trooper Tour Continues! - Help raise money for Trooper Zachariah Templeton's family and enjoy some great experimental music!
Hello Everyone!Well I cant believe how well the 1st official "Trooper Tour" show went. There was a good steady flow of VERY generous people at Noa Noa, and I received over $200 in donations! I would like to thank everyone who stopped in and dropped a few bucks in the case.

I would like to send out an extra special thank you to the mystery individual who left the $100 bill in the tin. That was above and beyond the call and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, that was truly an amazing gesture on your behalf, and I cannot thank you enough! It really brought tears to my eyes to see that kind of generosity. You don't have to tell us who you are, just know that we appreciate what you did!
This Saturday we do it all again!I really love playing music at Noa Noa, the people there are amazing, Jay, JD, and especially Stacy, have been nothing but warm inviting friends, and i thank them for their help in this great cause! There are pictures from the performance on the main page of my site at
So what can you do to help the cause? Simple...tell everyone you know about the shows! Let them know where we are, and when we are playing. Every little bit helps! Also you can help by bugging the media outlets, and let them know whats going on. It would be great to see them help spread the word!
(see the contact list at the end of this email for ways to get the medias attention!)I would also like to invite all of you to my website, to download 8 complete CD's of music - just go to
www.christophercardone.com and at the bottom of the page you will see links to my first solo CD, the Lateral Thinking Sampler, the first Cosmic Pond CD, and 5 full length live recordings of Cosmic Pond! Please enjoy this music and feel free to copy and distribute to your friends! Just make sure you let them know where you got it, and tell them to stop in and check out a performance!
Thank you everyone!
October 27th 2007 8am to 11am
(the Morning Rush!)NOA NOA Espresso and News
109 Rubey Drive
(Highway 93 and Iowa Drive)Golden Colorado
Media Contact Information:
The Denver Post -
esmith@thedenverpost.comRocky Mountain News -
mehelm@rockymountainnews.comWestword -
dave.herrera@westword.comOnStage -
onstagenews@aol.comKCUV -
Jhayes@kcuvradio.comKUVO -
arturo@kuvo.orgChannel 4 -
community@cps4denver.com 303-830-6477 oe use their submission page at
www.cbs4denver.comChannel 7 -
newstips@thedenverchannel.com or
morningshow@thedenverchannel.com 303-832-8477 or use their submission page at
www.thedenverchannel.comChannel 9 -
ann.king@9news.com or use their submission page at
Christopher "C3" Cardone
Solo Bassist and Looping Artist