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10 + years ago.... But, apart what he says.... Eno has always work with computers (also) ... Did you know the generative software he has used, called KOAN ? It's very complicated ! A lot of time tolearn how it works and a lot of time to build your set-up..... But Eno (of whom i'm a sincere fan from a long time) "IS" into business...So all that time spent to learn and work with a new software is compensate some way (by Koan and by the fact that it was the "inventor" of the generative music). By the way, I'm really interesting to know what hw and sf he's using today... Surely softwares spread a lot of new possibilities and every day ther's something new, an upgrade, a new plugin a patch that "surely" is usefull. But the first and final question is: what do i need to make the music i want to create ? Let me say my personal experience about this. I didnt' buy a new keyboards from 10 years or so. I preferred to work on my own sounds, totally reprogramming those i "really" use (no those one that are cool, but doesn't integrate with my music) and i don't feel like i'm missing something... I have just buy a (easy usable) Kaoss Pad II for processing the sound before the loop. After a year or so using Mobius on my PC and on a Macbook, I can say that i feel good. I started with a basic set-up, adding "step by step" new midi commands or scripts that i "really" find usefull. Apart the first latency troubles i've never had serious problems that took me a lot of time to spent to work to. For a little time, i've run Mobius as a VST in Energy opens new possibilities (as Bidule, Usine or Audiomulch), but at a certain time i had turn to ask myself: "do you really need this VST host, with a lot of (cool) new possibilities". The answer is: no ! The machine is just a medium, and i prefer to spent my time concentrating to the music flux... At the present (as it was at the Y2K7) i have just to power on my gear (keyboard, KPII, FCB1010 and the laptop) and simply play music. Do i miss something ? fabio ----- Original Message ----- From: "Travis Hartnett" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:49 PM Subject: Re: computers suck creative energy > 10+ years ago, Brian Eno talked about how he was thinking of banning > computers from his studio work environment, since they invariably > introduced a bunch of downtime in the form of the engineer saying "Oh, > wait, that's not right, hold on a minute while I...." and ten minutes > of mouse twiddling ensued, during which time the musicians lost focus > and would wander off to the video games in the lounge. Did analog > studios have technical problems? Sure, but he felt that computers had > introduced an unacceptable increase in the ratio of up versus down > time. > > TH > > On Nov 14, 2007 8:45 AM, van Sinn <> wrote: >> Elmer Fuddski wrote: > >> > Just want I want to do in my spare time after doing similar at work >all >> > day. Think I'll stay with the hardware looping route. > > > > > -- > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.31/1129 - Release Date: > 13/11/2007 21.22 > >