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Fascinating stuff...thanks, Dan! I did actually hear back from Larry Cooperman, who had installed an under-nut pickup in an electric. He wasn't very happy with the results, saying that the signal was weak and uneven, with the treble strings having very little output. He said he also tried it in bass and found much better results there, though. Also, in the guitar, the signal that it did put out was useful for blending into the regular signal for an additional bit of high-end brilliance, but on its own just wasn't worth the bother. I think that rather than going through the expense of redoing the nut and potentially not being happy with what I end up with, I'm going to try a cheap piezo up on the headstock (I'll check out allelectronics, thanks Bill). I gotta check out the recommended Zappa track too, Chris...once again, thanks to everyone! Daryl Shawn > Piezos were originally discovered when > Oriental acupuncturists found a squared quartz crystal was producing too >high and painful > electrical offcharge...