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OT: Wii "Head Tracking" Hack...

Off topic, but I know this will probably be of interest to some of 
the Max-MSP hackers on the list, at least.


In short, this researcher has found a way to do quick-and-cheap head 
tracking using inexpensive Wii hardware.  This causes the objects on 
the screen to move their perspective in relation to the computer 
operator (errr, just watch the video; you'll see what I'm talking 
about).  While this sort of thing has been available in university 
Virtual Reality labs for quite a while ("goggling in" to an 
environment using headgear), I don't think it's been readily 
available using cheap mass-produced components.

I think you could pretty easily combine this hack with other 
"immersive" 3D controllers.  Imagine combining it with something like 
a Powerglove, or some of the Eowave body interfaces.  Not to mention 
that Darwin Grosse has already coded (and performed with) a bunch of 
Max-MSP routines that let you use Wii controllers to play music.

It seems the next step would merely be to program the proper objects 
into the computer, and you could literally have a fully spacial 
interface to play/manipulate your compositions through in real time. 
Imagine combining an immersive interface with something like the old 
Sonasphere program, which allowed you to compose sound by moving 
balls in space relative to one another ( 
http://www.sonasphere.com/?page_id=2 ).  A program in that vein might 
lend itself to a fully spatial interface very easily.

Looks like it could be fun!!!  :)

"take one step outside yourself. the whole path lasts no longer than 
one step..."