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NAMM stuff and tomorrow night's gig...

Hey all,

was a lot of fun to meet up with some of you guys at NAMM - great to  
see Rick and Bill doing their thing, a lovely surprise to see  
Matthias, fab to catch up with Kim again, and I was really happy to  
get to play some fun songs on the Looperlative booth with Lo., even  
with 100dB of BS going on in the background... such is NAMM.

Lobelia and I have our last gig in the US for quite a while tomorrow  
night, at Don Quixote's in Felton, just outside Santa Cruz - 
  - also on the bill is Michael Manring, so you'll get all three of us  
playing solo, me and Lo. doing the duo stuff we were doing at NAMM,  
and some trio improv. Will be heaps of fun, and would be lovely to see  
you there if you can make it...

take care,

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