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Re: lease dates (was Electrix)

I've worked on numerous corporate level software/hardware projects, none of which has ever been as off schedule as Electrix has been with both generations of the Repeater.  That sort of slippage followed by a bug-ridden product can only be the result of failures at a number of points in the design/release cycle, starting with the initial business requirements and schedule, continuing through the design, coding, testing and manufacture.  It's not that Electrix is new to the world of audio design--they had a handful of successful boxes out before the first generation Repeater, which was more than a year late to market and buggy to boot.  Their corporate communication has been dreadful in all that time, ranging from either unrealistic to possibly actual disinformation, and nothing seems to have improved despite the company having changed hands.  Either the old team learned very little from their first foray into the world of loopers (which appeared to bankrupt the company), or the new owners have managed to find a team as inept as the first.

There are always events that can't be predicted, but barring actual Acts Of God, slippage time is built into a reasonable and informed product release schedule.  Electrix has continually defied expectations for how bad they can blow it for the last eight years.  Let me repeat that: eight years.  Electrix has long ago exhausted any benefit of the doubt one might accord them.

Musicians making CD's are typically doing it as a side project, in addition to their actual gainful employment.  Electrix exists only to make boxes, so the expected standards of schedule adherence are much higher.


On Jan 25, 2008 7:10 AM, Goddard, Duncan <goddard.duncan@mtvne.com> wrote:
>>To all you musicians, i dare to ask how many times you have tried to make a release date for a CD but have not been able to meet your promise due to a long series of events that you could not predict. <<