Support |
>> reverb, but the principle is similar. The Waves reverb isn't
>> half bad for mastering. For my laptop rig, I use a Max/msp
>> reverb. It is a very difficult object to create.
> Normally, (pre-)mastering is not the processing stage to add reverb.
Not sure I followed you here, Rainer, but of course I didn't elaborate.
Since I don't do any multi-track recording, all my reverb ins on my source
recording files from my max/msp system, but I often add reverb in the final
mastering of my files to add more depth, or just change the feel of the
song. Or if I am recording my free jazz trio in a studio with just live
mic, and everyone is playing dry, I will add rerverb in the final mastering
process. I would agree with your point outside of the context in which I
record. I have read in several sources for audio engineering that reverb
can be applied during the mastering process to add more depth., when you get here to Boise to play at BEMF, I'll show you my max/msp
reverb patch. It is patch called yafr2, by Randy Jones and built in the
style of the Dr. David Griesinger (of Lexicon) reverb design. See mono to
stereo patch below for maxers. I can dig my stereo to stereo version for
anyone interested. It's an amazing sounding reverb.
max v2;
#N vpatcher 72 44 715 844;
#P origin 7 -30;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P newex 487 71 40 196617 / 127.;
#P flonum 311 149 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P flonum 288 127 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#N comlet diffusion;
#P inlet 487 22 15 0;
#P newex 487 49 62 196617 clip 0. 127.;
#N comlet damping;
#P inlet 358 23 15 0;
#P newex 358 50 62 196617 clip 0. 127.;
#N comlet decay time;
#P inlet 236 24 15 0;
#P newex 236 51 62 196617 clip 0. 127.;
#N comlet audio in;
#P inlet 14 25 15 0;
#N comlet size;
#P inlet 105 24 15 0;
#P newex 105 50 62 196617 clip 0. 127.;
#P newex 105 73 111 196617 zmap 0. 127. 0.01 1.6;
#P newex 588 682 29 196617 t b f;
#P newex 588 705 29 196617 * 1.;
#P newex 154 422 29 196617 sig~;
#P flonum 299 106 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 419 614 77 196617 * 106.300003;
#P newex 401 539 71 196617 * 89.239998;
#P newex 366 423 29 196617 sig~;
#P newex 366 401 77 196617 * 141.699997;
#P newex 400 295 47 196617 * 30.51;
#P newex 210 612 41 196617 * 125.;
#P newex 194 540 47 196617 * 60.48;
#P newex 154 401 77 196617 * 149.600006;
#P newex 193 296 47 196617 * 22.58;
#N vpatcher 132 115 1088 352;
#P inlet 913 24 15 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 0;
#P newex 817 49 35 196617 * 75.;
#P newex 683 47 35 196617 * 80.;
#P newex 557 47 35 196617 * 69.;
#P newex 431 47 35 196617 * 25.;
#P newex 305 47 35 196617 * 50.;
#P newex 179 47 41 196617 * 160.;
#P newex 53 47 41 196617 * 110.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 276 124 40 196617 *~ -1.;
#P newex 790 93 117 196617 comb~ 200. 75. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 654 93 117 196617 comb~ 200. 80. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 528 93 117 196617 comb~ 200. 69. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 408 92 117 196617 comb~ 100. 25. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 276 93 117 196617 comb~ 200. 50. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 152 93 123 196617 comb~ 300. 160. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 24 94 123 196617 comb~ 300. 110. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 276 164 47 196617 *~ 0.15;
#P inlet 408 72 15 0;
#P inlet 790 73 15 0;
#P inlet 276 73 15 0;
#P inlet 654 73 15 0;
#P inlet 528 73 15 0;
#P inlet 24 74 15 0;
#P inlet 150 73 15 0;
#P outlet 276 191 15 0;
#P connect 2 0 9 0;
#P connect 17 0 9 1;
#P connect 24 0 17 0;
#P connect 1 0 10 0;
#P connect 24 0 18 0;
#P connect 18 0 10 1;
#P connect 5 0 11 0;
#P connect 15 0 16 0;
#P connect 13 0 16 0;
#P connect 14 0 16 0;
#P connect 11 0 16 0;
#P connect 12 0 8 0;
#P connect 16 0 8 0;
#P connect 10 0 8 0;
#P connect 9 0 8 0;
#P connect 8 0 0 0;
#P connect 19 0 11 1;
#P connect 24 0 19 0;
#P connect 7 0 12 0;
#P connect 24 0 20 0;
#P connect 20 0 12 1;
#P connect 3 0 13 0;
#P connect 21 0 13 1;
#P connect 24 0 21 0;
#P connect 4 0 14 0;
#P connect 22 0 14 1;
#P connect 24 0 22 0;
#P connect 6 0 15 0;
#P connect 23 0 15 1;
#P connect 24 0 23 0;
#P pop;
#P newobj 49 730 105 196617 p combineL;
#N vpatcher 10 59 977 304;
#P inlet 923 33 15 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 824 73 35 196617 * 52.;
#P newex 693 73 35 196617 * 27.;
#P newex 562 73 35 196617 * 35.;
#P newex 431 73 29 196617 * 3.;
#P newex 300 73 35 196617 * 55.;
#P newex 169 73 41 196617 * 135.;
#P window linecount 0;
#P newex 38 73 41 196617 * 110.;
#P newex 272 132 40 196617 *~ -1.;
#P newex 784 107 117 196617 comb~ 200. 50. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 650 107 117 196617 comb~ 100. 25. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 520 107 117 196617 comb~ 100. 35. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 404 107 111 196617 comb~ 100. 3. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 272 107 117 196617 comb~ 200. 55. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 141 107 123 196617 comb~ 300. 135. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 10 108 123 196617 comb~ 300. 110. 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 272 166 47 196617 *~ 0.15;
#P inlet 404 87 15 0;
#P inlet 784 87 15 0;
#P inlet 272 87 15 0;
#P inlet 650 87 15 0;
#P inlet 520 87 15 0;
#P inlet 10 88 15 0;
#P inlet 141 87 15 0;
#P outlet 272 197 15 0;
#P connect 2 0 9 0;
#P connect 24 0 17 0;
#P connect 17 0 9 1;
#P connect 1 0 10 0;
#P connect 24 0 18 0;
#P connect 18 0 10 1;
#P connect 5 0 11 0;
#P connect 15 0 16 0;
#P connect 11 0 16 0;
#P connect 13 0 16 0;
#P connect 14 0 16 0;
#P connect 16 0 8 0;
#P connect 12 0 8 0;
#P connect 9 0 8 0;
#P connect 10 0 8 0;
#P connect 8 0 0 0;
#P connect 19 0 11 1;
#P connect 24 0 19 0;
#P connect 7 0 12 0;
#P connect 20 0 12 1;
#P connect 24 0 20 0;
#P connect 3 0 13 0;
#P connect 21 0 13 1;
#P connect 24 0 21 0;
#P connect 4 0 14 0;
#P connect 22 0 14 1;
#P connect 24 0 22 0;
#P connect 6 0 15 0;
#P connect 23 0 15 1;
#P connect 24 0 23 0;
#P pop;
#P newobj 497 735 105 196617 p combineR;
#P newex 418 380 39 196617 noise~;
#P newex 206 379 39 196617 noise~;
#P newex 207 423 41 196617 *~ 20.;
#P newex 206 401 78 196617 lores~ 0 0.995;
#P newex 417 422 41 196617 *~ 20.;
#P newex 418 401 78 196617 lores~ 0 0.995;
#P newex 236 73 111 196617 zmap 0. 127. 0.05 0.9;
#P newex 348 638 104 196617 tapout~ 106.279999;
#P newex 348 614 65 196617 tapin~ 1000;
#P newex 141 638 68 196617 tapout~ 125.;
#P newex 141 612 65 196617 tapin~ 1000;
#P newex 348 563 140 196617 allpass~ 200 89.239998 0.5;
#P newex 141 563 116 196617 allpass~ 200 60.48 0.5;
#P newex 141 540 41 196617 *~ 0.5;
#P newex 348 540 41 196617 *~ 0.5;
#P newex 141 495 93 196617 onepole~ 1800 Hz.;
#P newex 358 71 120 196617 zmap 0 127. 20. 12000.;
#P newex 348 495 93 196617 onepole~ 1800 Hz.;
#P newex 348 451 165 196617 comb~ 1000. 141.699997 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 141 450 165 196617 comb~ 1000. 149.600006 0. 1. 0.;
#P newex 348 317 115 196617 allpass~ 50 30.51 -0.7;
#P newex 141 316 115 196617 allpass~ 50 22.58 -0.7;
#P newex 141 250 110 196617 allpass~ 20 9.3 0.625;
#P newex 141 224 122 196617 allpass~ 20 12.73 0.625;
#P newex 141 200 110 196617 allpass~ 10 3.58 0.75;
#P newex 141 175 110 196617 allpass~ 10 4.76 0.75;
#P newex 141 151 93 196617 onepole~ 1800 Hz.;
#N comlet out R;
#P outlet 497 764 15 0;
#N comlet out L;
#P outlet 49 762 15 0;
#P comment 80 763 401 196617 Plate reverb \, in the style of
Griesinger \, via J Dattorro. Randy Jones;
#P fasten 8 0 31 0 146 344 54 344;
#P connect 31 0 1 0;
#P fasten 8 0 31 1 146 344 67 344;
#P fasten 17 0 31 2 146 590 80 590;
#P fasten 20 0 31 3 146 678 93 678;
#P fasten 11 0 31 4 353 477 106 477;
#P connect 47 0 46 0;
#P connect 46 0 45 0;
#P fasten 18 0 31 5 353 585 119 585;
#P fasten 22 0 31 6 353 714 132 714;
#P fasten 43 0 31 7 593 725 145 725;
#P fasten 48 0 3 0 19 140 146 140;
#P connect 3 0 4 0;
#P connect 4 0 5 0;
#P connect 5 0 6 0;
#P connect 6 0 7 0;
#P fasten 22 0 8 0 353 662 28 662 28 293 146 293;
#P lcolor 7;
#P connect 7 0 8 0;
#P connect 8 0 10 0;
#P connect 10 0 14 0;
#P connect 14 0 16 0;
#P connect 16 0 17 0;
#P connect 17 0 19 0;
#P connect 19 0 20 0;
#P connect 35 0 20 0;
#P fasten 41 0 33 0 304 372 159 372;
#P connect 33 0 42 0;
#P fasten 55 0 16 1 293 520 177 520;
#P fasten 42 0 10 1 159 444 184 444;
#P fasten 27 0 10 1 212 444 184 444;
#P fasten 41 0 32 0 304 290 198 290;
#P connect 32 0 8 1;
#P fasten 41 0 34 0 304 527 199 527;
#P connect 34 0 17 1;
#P connect 28 0 26 0;
#P connect 26 0 27 0;
#P fasten 41 0 35 0 304 597 215 597;
#P connect 13 0 3 1;
#P fasten 56 0 14 1 316 484 229 484;
#P connect 50 0 49 0;
#P connect 49 0 23 0;
#P connect 23 0 55 0;
#P fasten 45 0 41 0 110 98 304 98;
#P connect 13 0 56 0;
#P fasten 20 0 9 0 146 670 19 670 19 285 353 285;
#P lcolor 7;
#P fasten 7 0 9 0 146 272 353 272;
#P connect 9 0 11 0;
#P connect 11 0 12 0;
#P connect 12 0 15 0;
#P connect 15 0 18 0;
#P connect 18 0 21 0;
#P connect 21 0 22 0;
#P connect 40 0 22 0;
#P connect 52 0 51 0;
#P connect 51 0 13 0;
#P fasten 41 0 37 0 304 377 371 377;
#P connect 37 0 38 0;
#P fasten 55 0 15 1 293 520 384 520;
#P fasten 25 0 11 1 422 444 391 444;
#P fasten 38 0 11 1 371 445 391 445;
#P fasten 41 0 36 0 304 291 405 291;
#P connect 36 0 9 1;
#P fasten 41 0 39 0 304 527 406 527;
#P connect 39 0 18 1;
#P connect 24 0 25 0;
#P connect 29 0 24 0;
#P fasten 41 0 40 0 304 599 424 599;
#P fasten 56 0 12 1 316 484 436 484;
#P connect 54 0 53 0;
#P connect 53 0 57 0;
#P fasten 9 0 30 0 353 343 502 343;
#P connect 30 0 2 0;
#P fasten 9 0 30 1 353 343 515 343;
#P fasten 18 0 30 2 353 594 528 594;
#P fasten 22 0 30 3 353 691 541 691;
#P fasten 10 0 30 4 146 473 554 473;
#P fasten 17 0 30 5 146 604 567 604;
#P fasten 20 0 30 6 146 706 580 706;
#P fasten 57 0 44 0 492 272 593 272;
#P fasten 41 0 43 0 304 702 593 702;
#P connect 44 0 43 0;
#P connect 43 0 30 7;
#P connect 44 1 43 1;
#P pop;