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Re: OT the Guitar as percussion instrument in Live Looping

Hey buddy,
I actually find it more liberating not
looping...;-)there is always the worry of the perfect
loop timing,pressing the right button,knowing which
preset you are in,which button is still activated,is
it staying in sync,looking at the screen,and that the
whole thing is not going to fuck up on you! i am sure
we´ve all been through this,unless offcourse is
abstrack,noise,no time signature full improv type of
but yes,on the other hand i find backing a runing loop
with improvisation or layering liberating compared to
presenting something so technical demanding and doing
it flawlessly.
Timbre can also be subjective...repetition,reverse or
glitching can only be for some people anerving;-)

> The acoustic real time way is certainly more
> difficult and technically 
> impressive, but the looping part may, ultimately, be
> more liberating and innovative in terms of pure
> timbre.
> What do y'all think? 


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