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RE: What would loopers do without power?

As a 100% Organic Human Music act doing more eco-events, I have a gridless rig that I enjoy taking to places like Burning Man. I haven't wanted to bring my EDP out there for fear of the dust, but the constraint of using the simple 1-1/2 loop RC-2 has actually been an improvement to my music in many cases. The single 9V battery the RC-2 uses is easy to recharge off of solar, as are the 6-AAs that your Microcube uses, Krispen. You are already working without plugging into anything and can find solar battery chargers to power your posted needs for around $60-80.  That is if you expect that the zombies will dispose of all the batteries...

I like to strap a Brunton Solo Personal Power Plant 120v AC / 12v DC battery to one side, and an AN-100 reference montior to the other (better than the Roland Microcube for me!), plug my mic into the RC-2 and walk my show around. After charging up during the day off of my camp's wind generator or my hybrid car's lighter socket, I performed for up to 90-minutes at night making music without running out of juice. I'm planning to do the same again in a month! This time I'm going with the 14-watt SolarRoll too, which is a 5-foot long, laminated, flexible solar panel that rolls down to a power towel sized tube. From what I read, the Brunton 25-watt trifold and 26-watt multifold panels are even better.

You can pick up any of these portable solar panels on eBay for around $300. The battery I have is now out of production, but still available used for around $200-300. Brunton is just coming out with a new line of personal power storage devices that are smaller and might work even better. Check 'em out at http://brunton.com/catalog.php?cat=8 

Best of luck in the coming apocalypse!

Sam Rogers
One Mouth Band

Newest CD: www.OrganicHumanMusic.com
Website: www.OneMouthBand.com
EPK: www.sonicbids.com/SamRogers
MySpace: www.myspace.com/onemouthband