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Re: Midi envelope generator

Thanks for all of the replies. All of these products look 
interesting, but none of them quite fit the bill, for what I want to 
do, which is to Midi control a couple of  my video mixers in a rig 
that does not include a laptop.

Since the take bar of these video mixers can be midi controlled, I 
keep thinking it would be cool if I could hit a button and switch 
between sources with an envelope generator that I could control in 
real time by tweaking knobs, something to give me more control of the 
shape of my visual 'notes'.

I already have quite a mammoth rig (4 - 5 DVD players, 3 video 
mixers, the wires to connect them, monitor and projector) and I can't 
see adding a laptop and a fader box to the rig.

At 8:17 PM +0200 10/2/08, mark francombe wrote:
>I love my RedSound Federation... its a DJ tool... kinda ADSR, more 
>of a "cutter" with filter 3types, delay, old skool sounding (reggie 
>music) and a ker-razy panner, that pans diferent frequency ranges... 
>bit of a footprind(tabletop device) but a... ummm what to you yanks 
>call it... um... oh yes... a doozy!
>On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Emile Tobenfeld (a.k.a Dr. T) 
><<mailto:emile@foryourhead.com>emile@foryourhead.com> wrote:
>I keep thinking I could use a hardware midi envelope generator, 
>something that had, say, 4 sliders for ADSR, a switch for looping, a 
>slider for loop rate and a push button trigger. Does such a device 


"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two 
opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the 
ability to function."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

                Emile Tobenfeld, Ph. D.
Video Producer and Digital Photographer Image Processing Specialist
Video for your HEAD!                    Boris FX
http://www.foryourhead.com              http://www.borisfx.com

My photography can be viewed at 