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RE: Obama

Ugh, about to unsubscribe from this list due to this barrage of non-sense.


But please do not refer to what the USA has had in the past 8 years as ‘free market economics’, and do not blame said concept for the shape we are in now. We have had the worst of both worlds under Bush/Cheney.


Hopefully this will signal the need for a return to true conservatism for the GOP, as their neo-con/religious nut agenda has obviously run it’s course.



Ron Paul 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Richards [mailto:paulrichard_rocks@yahoo.com]
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:08 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Obama


(In three years you'll all be wondering where your country went)


Except we all now where it IS following 8 years of Republican rule.  It amazes me to no end that no matter WHAT goes wrong with the US, the Right cannot see that it is their doing. They blame it on the Dems one way or another. 8 years of free market economics and lack of regulatory oversight (a mantra of the GOP) and we have the economic meltdown. But the Right STILL can't see it.


I wonder if this fascist Goodman person would recognize a shit sandwich if it was presented to him on a red, white & blue platter from Dick Cheney and call it that OR would he shove it down his piehole?

--- On Wed,
11/5/08, SP Goodman <spgoodman@earthlight.net> wrote:

From: SP Goodman <spgoodman@earthlight.net>
Subject: Re: Obama
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 4:28 AM


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 8:52 AM

Subject: RE: Obama


Echoed here in Chiang Mai as well! To tag onto the other threads about "being loved in the world" I've had such a wonderful opportunity to speak to 'the world' these past few days--people from Thailand, England, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Netherlands, Germany, etc. EVERYONE has been hoping and praying this would come to pass just to re-install HOPES place over FEAR. To see the US use respect and diplomacy instead of threats and superior firepower.


Yeah, that worked for Wilson, FDR, Truman, Carter... none of which were able to prevent the US being drawn into war, or outright attacked.  No foreign policy tends to equal certainty of attack, if history is evidence.


Great PR doesn't save the world, folks.  After never authoring a single piece of law this man tricks people into making him the most powerful man in the world.  You'll see won'tcha?  Uh, again..?


In three years you'll all be wondering where your country went.  Let's hope they don't use nuclear weapons hm?