I'm still laughing....."Uncle" Micheal..you are great !
So...next question is: where can i
book a room in the Loopastery ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 3:59
Subject: Re: OT SANTA CRUZ site of the
Y2K9 International Live Looping Festival
In a message dated 12/11/08 10:18:16 PM, ParadoxQuine@gmail.com
Please do start a house for live looping in SC
i've been reading NEAL STEVENSON'S "ANATHAM", very
enjoyable, and i was just visited by a dear old friend from the way
back.....we had spent 5 years together in a CARMELITE monastery.....we were
speaking about the joys of community living and how we both missed this way of
life.....i had mentioned to mickey that the LD community was something that
gave me a sense of the "good ol days", one for all, all for one!.....so all of
these "monastic" thoughts made me think, rather than a home for old loopers,
we could start a LOOPASTERY, where old loopers would be reveared and young
loopers would raise food and keep the solar panels clean.....in my minds eye,
i see, billy bob walker and i being in charge of the kitchen because we "clean
as we go" an essential of happy food prep.....daily musical services, courses
on LOOPOLOGY, trying to mend the lappy/hardware schism, verily, even
attempting to bring peace to the PC/APPLE devide.....our work would be long
and hard but the rewards of seeing the bright unbelieving smiles of both
children and crusty ol folk on hearing their first LOOPS and indeed, the
rapture of creating their very first LOOP.....oh my!.....the overwhelming
amount of scootola that will be garnished with monster cd sales, the funds
collected at the NEVER ENDING LOOP CHAPEL, the festivals and shows created by
our world traveling missionaries (LOOPANARIES).....can you imagine the
"STUDIO" that would be created.....so many blinky lites, so many boops and
beeps, the mind boogles.....no more, "DAD! turn that shit down!".....families
could visit for a fee.....and yes robes! with built in hoodies!.....all made
from "bucky tube" fiber, of course, so that we can all be walking
actualizations, both visually and audially of our LOOP ESSENCE.....AND COFFEE,
oceans and oceans of coffee.....:)m
WRONG".....firesign theater
new groovy tunes
at: http://www.myspace.com/klobuchar10 www.ct-collective.com
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