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Re: OT The Roots of Christmas

Good one, Stan. Check out this church:


Go Amen Re!


----- Original Message ----- 

> good research there Rick.
> as a SUNN (amplifiers/cabinets) Worshipper i look for all things 
> to sun sunn sunking etc. here is a good graphic of the Christianity/Sun 
> God connection(and a good song to boot)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eaWtNhdihk&feature=channel_page
> s
> from a scholar I know:
>>"Don't forget the root of Christmas too!  December 25 is actually
>>the birthday of the Persian Sun God, Mithras, not Jesus. Constantine,
>>basically fabricated Christmas as part of his political strategy
>>to unite the Roman Republic, because it was comprised of so many mystery
>>cults, Roman gods, diverse beliefs, etc, and he needed to bring the
>>people together under a common state religion.  Since Constantine
>>worshiped  the Sun God (Sol Invictus or Mithras), he basically swapped
>>birthdays, giving that birthday to Jesus, and also making the Solar
>>calendar week start on Sunday (Sun = Sun God = Sol Invictus, Mithras,
>>etc).  People go to church today on Sunday, because of Constantine,
>>though the original Christians likely worshiped on Saturday. But back to
>>Christmas, people lit candles in worship of the Sun God, brought in
>>trees as a part of Mithras workshop, and gave gifts as part of the
>>festival in honor of the agriculture god, Saturn.  Even the story of
>>Jesus, the resurrection, the  whole bit, is all a clone of the story of
>>Mithras, which precedes  Christianity by over 600 years....and it goes
>>deeper into  Zoroasterism, with an almost duplicate story of a man who
>>was born a  god-child, was sought to be destroyed by dark forces, birth
>>was  marked by miracles, was religiously active in his 20/30's,
>>professed  a belief of resurrection, judgment day, heaven and hell,
>>etc....all  600-1000 years (and debatably longer) before the dawn of
>>Christianity. Mithraism, the official religion of the Roman empire in
>>274 CE was actually the main rival of Christianity during this time
>>(4th century AD), because they were identical in many respects.
>>Christianity won out because of Constantine's political campaign to unit
>>the republic under one monotheistic state religion.  So, Christmas is
>>basically a past-together holiday of Saturn and Mithras celebrations,
>>along with the Sol Invictus mystery cult"
>>I had also heard that the Solstice celebration amongst many of the
>>Northern shamanic tribes involved the ritual burning
>>of the largest felled tree in the forest (the Yule Log) and that the
>>Solstice celebration was the biggest party of
>>the year.       I had heard (and I don't know if this is verifiable)
>>that Constantine moved the official celebration of
>>Jesus of Nazareth's birth to the 25th in order to allow for these
>>celebrations to continue but in a Christian way
>>without upsetting all of his subjects.
>>Fascinating stuff.    I think that the cooption of myth and ritual
>>happens continually with
>>conquering and conquered peoples.
>>This is highly evidenced in the African rituals that were coopted by the
>>slave owners in the Caribbean and North and
>>South America.............
>>..................all a part of our sometimes violent heritage as human
>>beings.................let's just hope that
>>some alien race doesn't come along (ala 'Day the Earth Stood Still') and
>>take us to task for
>>our heritage.
>>Peace to all of you, whatever you believe.