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Re: distortion,overdrive,fuzz,crunch

I've had the Liverpool for a while now and just can't believe how much it sounds like a Vox. Great for clean or slightly dirty, Voxish tones. Tech 21 makes great stuff. I love their delay too.

=-) PJ

-----Original Message-----
From: L.Angulo <labaloops@yahoo.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Sent: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 5:02 pm
Subject: RE: distortion,overdrive,fuzz,crunch

what about the tech 21 sans amp character series,i am suprised no comments on 
those yet?


--- On Tue, 12/23/08, o.malhomme@laposte.net <o.malhomme@laposte.net> wrote:

> From: o.malhomme@laposte.net <o.malhomme@laposte.net>
> Subject: RE: distortion,overdrive,fuzz,crunch
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 8:14 AM
> Regarding this secret weapons, one must keep in mind that a
> special recipe for the public can be a very unspecial to us.
> A example: the Ebow.
> Everyone seems to think I come from Mars if I use one while
> there's nothing special to it (I mean, I bet 99% of the
> guitar players of this list have one...).
> Now, we have the tools that a remade to make anyone frown
> (VG-8, VG-99 in my case, but  designed for sound mangling
> and designing) and basic tools to add a special little
> something...
> I like a old fuzz by Ibanez (emerald green one). Like the
> fact that the not seems like it swells...
> I have a Robert Keeley modified DS-1 (also a SD-1 but I
> don't use it that much. Overdrive is a very different
> beast...)
> I have a TubeMan which is more interesting a crunch pedal
> than a n overdrive..
> I TOTALLY DEPEND on a multicomp EBS. I know it is
> supposedly made for bass but it inflates any guitar and
> sound gorgeous.
> This is the very epitome of secret goo.
> I mean, It doesn't really change the sound, just it
> sounds way better with it. Transparent compression, not
> overdone...
> Then I have a Morley Wah 2 that behaves weirdly. For some
> reasons, engaged it distort. It has a very wide wah effect,
> so i use it for filtering and filter sweep effets. I thought
> of repairing it  but I just like it's distortion,
> unusual.
> Olivier