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Dennis Moser wrote me the following (reprinted with his permission at the bottom of the page) to which I am replying here (just an excerpt of a longer letter than doesn't concern this subject), in public: Thanks for writing, Dennis. I did get my feelings hurt but I own those feelings completely and apologize that I misread the tenor of your post. You are quite kind to take the time to write a reasonable reply and I thank you for it. Now, to go find your music to listen to............. ..........Thanks for writing and , again, my apologies for over reacting........... yours, in the loop, Rick *_Dennis Moser wrote: Rick, Happy New Year! but lighten up, dude! You don't know me or my music very well, or you would not have taken my post so negatively ... go back and re-read what I said carefully. I'm not knocking ANYBODY for what they have said, felt, or expressed ... it's really more about the "tenor of the times" and let's face it, try and name five people you know who don't get a little sentimental this time of year (the past two weeks or so). BTW, that's an awfully narrow definition of maudlin; check these out to get a better sense of how I use the word: (one of the most intriguing explanations of the word's etymology I've come across) other words, I was simply making the observation that we were getting VERY sentimental. But so what? No harm, no foul. It wasn't a "critical" observation and I certainly didn't deserve to be addressed in such a brusque manner on the whole list. You're points about the "stiff upper lip" syndrome are spot on, but how do you know what my patri-matrilineage is? For all you know I could be Afro-American, half Chinese, or Lithuanian ... you have made an assumption about me that may or may not be correct. I noticed that you have just discovered Aarvo Pärt. Pärt's music is a wonderful example of the sheer elegance of melody and simple, open harmonies ... I hadn't gotten to him on my list of favorites only because i was running out of time this morning when I posted my note. The discussion has now drifted out from the classical realm into world and popular music ... which is kind of what i was getting at when I started off by talking about Ravi Shankar ... go listen to any of his performances of any raga, keeping in mind that I adore his music and then consider what I said. I was being ANYTHING but critical ... Best, Dennis_*