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Re: Blogs

I did the same thing as Zoe. I use the same CSS file for all parts of the site, including the blog.

All the best,

Loren Claypool
genre-indifferent instrumental guitar music
www.lorenclaypool.com and links from there
On Jan 12, 2009, at 6:57 PM, info at zoekeating wrote:

did it myself! (i do all my webstuff)
it was relatively simple

set Blogger to publish via FTP
then you make a folder on your server where you want the blog to publish
in the Blogger settings tell it the URL of the folder and the FTP path
so in my case i made a folder called "blog" and told Blogger to publish everything there
i still administer it from the Blogger site, which is nice because it means I can blog from any computer

On Jan 12, 2009, at 4:43 PM, mark francombe wrote:

But WAIT... ZOE.. you are doing what I want on your site... URL field tells me you blog is powered by Blogger somehow, the rest of your site looks exactly the same but is.. what.. ? html?? or a CMS thing... Please tell me someone clever made this for you... husband, boyfriend, or that you paid someone...?

2009/1/13 info at zoekeating <info@zoekeating.com>
i blog lazily at www.zoekeating.com/blog

also, i'm a daily twitterer www.twitter.com/zoecello
