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Re: OT That 'sizzle sound' of Mp3s

>> Subject:
>> Re: OT That 'sizzle sound' of Mp3s
>> From:
>> Miko Biffle <biffoz@gmail.com>
>> Date:
>> Mon, 16 Mar 2009 12:29:10 -0700
>> To:
>> Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com 
>> I can listen to Zep, Sabbath and many others on vinyl and feel the 
>> bass is adequate (for the day)悠 just don't find Redding's bass that 
>> satisfying. Mitch Mitchell OTOH ranks right up there with Bonham in 
>> my book! -m
One more point - and not to beat on this too much more...

Your comparison of Experience to Zeppelin sonics may well include Zep 
tracks recorded ten years after Jimi's passing. IIRC alot changed in 
that time.

Again, I jumped into this discussion because it was an eye-opener that 
sonics will date all recordings to a certain degree. In the early days 
it was frequency spectrum limitations, then low-end content, then hiss, 
wow and flutter, and psycho-acoustic aspects (both positive and 
negative) of analog distortion.

Then we had digital artifacts associated with early CD mixes and codecs, 
inadvertent data truncation to 16 bits and I suppose we'll always 
digital distortion and artifacts from data compression to deal with....

Of course this is before they SMASH the signal with a compressor 
effectively eliminating all dynamics in the program material.

Then there are the clowns that add these aspects ON PURPOSE, probably 
just to annoy me. YA CALL THAT MUSIC???!

Dan Ash
White Plains, NY