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Re: Spectra

Just guitar and pedals. That愀 it!
After doing 2 albums with multi track recordings, the usual track on track thing,
I was a bit fed up with this way of recording.
I惴 excited always when it愀 new but loose interest in
the recording situation while puzzling together all the tracks.
So I recorded some songs just in stereo, no overdubs,
which was more fun and spontaneous. A few hours work and the full
album was ready: "Guitar Looping # 1"
You can listen to 2 pieces (a cover version of Kraftwerk愀 AUTOBAHN and BAKTU) on
Nice Day!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Spectra

hahaha :) the first time that my music was compared with the beatles. is that good or bad? :)
well, i do not think that he has any clue about live electronics, electroacoustic music and such. well in any case, this will be a great pr for the album.
one note guys : i am working on a new electric guitar and electronics album which will be released soon. just hardware fx and analog pedals. hope you will enjoy that one.
best regards to you all.
Erdem Helvacioglu
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Wounded Breath" album is out now on Aucourant Records:
"wounded breath album will open you up to new experiences and
allow you to explore worlds previously closed to you."
Blogcritics, Richard Marcus
"wounded breath is an outstanding acousmatic record, period."
Massimo Ricci, touching extremes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: Spectra

Erdem Helvacioglu wrote:
> hey michael,

> thanks a lot. have not seen the review myself. hope they have said nice
> things about me :)

Congrats Erdem,
the reviewer thought yours was the best piece on the album.
I don't remember exactly what he says but he
mentioned psychedelia and Dear Prudence by the Beatles in relation to it.
Helpfully he mentions that the piece was recorded in real time with fx.
 (was it? the Wire usually gets that sort of info wrong :-)

Generally he seemed not overly impressed by the album,
even being critical of Keith Rowe.
Probably trying to be controversial, that's good as it
may create more of a buzz about the album, I wouldn't
even be surprised if they're deliberately doing that to
help promotion, as there's bound to be people writing
in to disagree.
It's certainly a big spread in a mag that normally gives
a couple of column inches to new releases.


> in case you are interested, i used audiomulch and ovation acoustic
> guitar for that piece. the same setup used on my "altered realities" record.

> thanks and best to you all.

> Erdem Helvacioglu
> www.erdemhelvacioglu.com <http://www.erdemhelvacioglu.com>
> www.myspace.com/erdemhelvacioglu <http://www.myspace.com/erdemhelvacioglu>
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> "Wounded Breath" album is out now on Aucourant Records:
> www.aucourantrecords.com/catalog.php?op=detail&cid=23
> <http://www.aucourantrecords.com/catalog.php?op=detail&cid=23>

> "wounded breath album will open you up to new experiences and
> allow you to explore worlds previously closed to you."
> Blogcritics, Richard Marcus

> "wounded breath is an outstanding acousmatic record, period."
> Massimo Ricci, touching extremes
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Michael Peters <mailto:mp@mpeters.de>
>     *To:* Loopers Delight <mailto:Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:14 PM
>     *Subject:* Spectra
>     congrats Erdem ... being featured in WIRE with a large photograph
>     and a very
>     favorable review of your piece on the Spectra CD ... very cool !!
>     -Michael