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Re: Finished EP!


Really like it  - like a more poppy tool - have you got a website?

Matt Stevens

On 7 May 2009, at 08:00, Per Boysen wrote:

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Daniel Hegarty
I've just finished a new EP that I'd love some feedback on.

Exciting music! A nice listening experience to balance all the
improvisation based stuff that has been spinning around here lately. I
think it is a brilliant example of the concept of splicing together
cool sounds, riffs and beats in an optimal way for the purpose of
creating a recording as an ultimate statement. Someone called it
"pop", but I do not agree with that because in order to be "pop" there
should have been a stronger ambition to focus the expression  -
usually fronting the lead vocal melody and lyrics. There's no such
focus strain in your stuff, since it rather hails the love for
assembling lots of bizarre objects into one big explosion. And that's
pretty cool IMHO :-)

As an example, NiN traditionally shows a lot of the pop concept while
King Crimson does not. And they both use musical components related to
your palette.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen