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Re: vocal synthesis and processing

I just downloaded Matthias's ChoPitch because I'm look for a good  
pitch shifter but Live 8 won't recognize the vst plugin. Live 8 sees  
my other vst's just fine (Mobius, reaktor, etc.) I moved it in the  
same folder with my other vst's, library/audio/plug-ins/vst
Can anyone else with this plug and Live 8 confirm this?

On May 7, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Rick Walker wrote:

> Dear Erdem,
> I second Buzaps glowing review of Melodyne.
> You can do really interesting things with that program
> and they even give you the ability to extract some 'fixed  
> frequencies' from
> manipulated tracks and pitch them separately from the pitch content  
> of the vocals
> (this works fantastically on percussion by the  
> way..............creating naturalistic
> percussion tracks that feel, nonetheless, that they are from some  
> ethnic culture from
> another planet:    alien , yet organic.............one of my  
> favorite qualities of new sound design.
> Additionally,  here are several thoughts I've had about vocal use  
> and vocal manipulation:
> 1) Take a look at the old stalwart,   ReCycle,  which was the  
> program that caused the revolution
> in Drum and Bass.............designed to slice up drum tracks and  
> then send each 'slice' to
> a sampler in a numbered and ordered set of samples that can then be  
> retriggered in a midi program.
> You can also set your own slice points manually in such a program.
> Sometimes it is really cool to just take the very beginnings and  
> endings of words,  cut them up and separate them
> from the words they came from and put them in in unusual places  
> during and over the track.
> 2) A lot of breath noises,  ticks,  inhalations,  lip smacks, etc.  
> can be fascinating spices for an unusual vocal track
> used as rhythmic elements outside of their normal context.
> 3) Tuareg is a wonderful standalone app for the PC that does very  
> hip slicing and dicing of vocal tracks.
> Buy the $35 version and be glad you did.   You'll thank me for this  
> one!
> 4)  Our very own Matthias Grob and Andy Butlers'  ChoPitch is a  
> fantastic manipulator of vocal tracks.
> I can't more highly recommend it.
> 5) You might reference the all acapella vocal CD I put out called  
> Faux Voix.
> _*
> http://www.looppool.info/fauxvoix.html*_
> The whole record is just an experimental exploration of vocals and  
> computer generated vocals.
> I also really worked hard for almost two years to develop a whole  
> new series of
> 'extended'  vocal techniques,  many of which I used on that record.
> 6)  Heres' a vocal slice experiment from that recording:
> _*
> http://www.looppool.info/Chris_Slice_Funk.mp3*_
> By saying this,  I'm saying,    use your own voice and see what odd  
> things it can do.
> If you get over the weird feelings and the strange looks you get by  
> making unusual sounds,  there are
> hundreds of interesting sounds that can be made with the human voice  
> and most people
> don't do it because it is too 'strange' for normal society.
> The beauty of all of these experiments is that all of these sounds  
> are made with the vocal chords, the uvula, the lips, the teeth,
> the tongue and all the combed frequencies that one can achieve with  
> these sounds because our throat is , essentially,  a pipe.
> 6) I experimented with uvulal singing, overtone singing, noise  
> manipulation, hum whistling, whistle humming (there is a  
> difference,  lol),
> trill singing, chest beaten harmonic manipulation, piccolo trumpet  
> noises,  kissing (which as Jeff Kaiser hipped me to, is high velocity
> inhalation,  the opposite of how a trumpet is played), warble  
> singings,  physical object manipulation of voice (singing in and  
> through things
> that effect the sound), growling,  humming,  trilling,  etc.
> Here's an example of a live thing I did in concert from the
> Festival of Voice and Electronics utilizing some of those techniques.
> Everything you hear was made live in concert using only my voice.
> _*
> http://www.looppool.info/Faux_Voix_Composite.mp3
> *_
> 7) There are VST instruments out there that mimic the vocal formant  
> frequencies of the human voice so that if you put
> other melodic material through it, it sounds LIKE a voice.
> 8) Vocoders also have this voice-esque  quality on anything.
> Try   Vocoding a different vocal..........in other words,  use the  
> voice to vocode a sample of a voice.
> You can get really cool results from trying to sing to lyrics in the  
> exact same rhythm, but sing them with
> radically different styles or in different ranges.............then  
> vocode one with the other.
> 9) Then there is the processing of the  
> voice...............................I won't even go  
> there........this post would go on forever.
> 10) Our own Cara Quinn hipped me to software that 'reads'   websites  
> to blind people.
> I did a couple pieces using that software.   She and I used to  
> exchange vocal generated compositions.
> One piece of software gave one the ability to download different  
> voices from different cultures
> (the Brazillians pronounce Rs like Hs  while the English pronounce  
> Rs like,   well,  Rs)
> Many different cultures have radically different consonant sounds
> and different phonemic combinations vowel sounds.
> As an example,  in Korean,  there appears some syntactical rule that  
> says , when you end a word with a long held out vowel sound
> that the pitch will pend down at the end of the word.
> Vowels representing combed filtered sine waves and Consonants  
> representing various percussive and noise sounds,
> I typed hundreds of vowel combinations to try and extract simple  
> melodies from them.
> I snipped anything that sounded melodic (like when you ask a  
> question in English,  the pitch goes up at the end of the question  
> so it
> represents a simple melody, pitchwise)   and put them in a folder.
> Later I went back and put many of them together to compose my  
> melodies.
> Here's an example of that experiment:
> _*http://www.looppool.info/Sweeping_Mary.mp3
> *_11)  Also reference  Michiko Kawagoe's brilliant work with an  
> invented computer vocal languages
> Okee dokee,   ..............these are the thoughts I've been having  
> and wanting to write to you since I read your
> question to the group.
> be well, and good luck with the project..........congratulations!
> yours,   Rick