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Re: New free toys in Mac v10.5

Yeah, from a programmers point of view ......woohoo!

I was just looking at some of those libraries again lately .... for 
anyone else who happens to write C++, the documentation on Macs Cocoa 
API includes these libraries ... they are well written and 
comprehensive (the docs and the libraries).

And yes, you can send clock signals from AU plugins to host apps ... 
though I should mention that very view apps actually utilize this as 
it makes for pretty intense code (dynamic bpm is one of those things 
not so well handled as it is).

Branching to BPM tracking/shifting ......

Most external sources have rather shotty clocks (+-1ms is typical 
jitter) ... which is crappy and hard to handle.

Internal sources are much better, but then you have to ask the 
question what happens when we shift bpm on some track that is already 
playing ?  For midi instruments and traccks its not a problem, you 
just play the notes faster ... but for recorded audio you need to either:

1) shift the freq to play quicker (and then the pitch changes) or ..
2) splice the audio (cut from on position to another, fading in 
between to avoid audio nonlinearities)

Number 2 is the way to go, but most applications haven't really 
gotten there yet.  I have been looking at this a lot lately because 
it's an area of personal interest for me.  You can devise beat 
splicing algorithms that follow certain beats (straight, triplets, 
clave, etc) and then intelligently splice from segment to segment if 
you know the initial bpm of the audio recording .... for long 
recordings this is difficult, but for short ones (ie loops) this is 
quite simple.  Much cooler is when you stack/overdub on these loops 
AFTER they have been spliced/bpm shifted.

For example ... take a loop and speed it up to 3x normal play, but 
use a splicing algorithm that splits it up and plays segments that 
fall where triplets would be on the clip.  Now stack/overdub on that 
track and make some noise ....... when you re-sync the loop to normal 
play, the result will be the recorded audio after the inverse of the 
bpm shift (which is a recording that exists only where the triplets 
would be on the audio clip).  This way you can devise some pretty 
wild beats ......

Anyway, thats my 2 cents .. ciao

At 02:14 AM 6/12/2009, you wrote:
> >    - New audio unit properties in the Audio Unit framework that let 
> >    units send MIDI data to host applications
>Like sending midi clock from a looper au-plugin? That would be great!
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