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> wow...stunning! Hi Sim, What I learned from the recent festivals when performing live is that I ran out of ideas too quikly and that I ended up with compositions which were too static or took too long before they would become interesting. So I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and I've been experimenting with the way I was using my pre-loopers. The general flow is still the same as before: * Synth sounds -> Pre-Fx -> Pre-loopers -> LP1 Old pre-loopers * Little Spacy or Augustus Loop New pre-loopers (in series) * Little Spacy * Crossfade Loop Synth * Augustus Loop So what you hear in this demo is the effect of short unsynced delays going into Crossfade Loop Synth which results in 3 synced loops at different pitch/speed which go into an analog delay of 0-8 sec's with 30-40% feedback (Augustus). I have "transferred" 3 of these loops to different unsynced tracks on the LP1, with different feedback and speed settings. I also used the scramble function I think. Anyway, thinking about what some other loopers have shown in Antwerp, Firenze and Rome, there's a lot more to discover and learn for me... which is good and fun! --- Sjaak __________________________________ Scarlet Mobile, Gratis abonnement in combinatie met uw Scarlet One of ADSL, surf naar