- Circle of Fifths (+4HT/+3HT alternating)
For example, +4HT/+3HT/ alternating. i.e. C-E-G-B-D-F#-A-C#-E-...
When you take intervals that add up to 7 Half-Tones = a fifth, you will get harmonies progressing as fifths (or fourths if you like). in this case Cmaj7>Gmaj7>Dmaj7>Amaj7...
there was a good resource about the "Circle of 5th" posted on LD a few
years back... I wasnt interestd then, but I am now.. can someone
elucidate me or point me in that direction... (reason being was that
someone came up to me after my last gig .. winked and said "Circle of
5ths ???" and I gave him the masonic handshake and hoped to be inducted
into the 33rd order.. alas.. so it seems I was "doing something that he
thought I knew about but didnt"... been seaching for it ever since...