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Hi everyone, I really loved Luis Angulo's vocal loop at the Antwerp Live Looping Festival. I was backstage at the time and didn't even realize that he did everything with vocals............. It was really beautiful and inspiring. ******** Not to take away from anything at all from his wonderful video posts on line, but I had a little ego death when I read that he read that he had named that festival the ANTWERP Y2K9 LOOP FESTIVAL Belgium 2009 and the one in Koln last year, "live at Y2K8 Koln, Germany. I feel a little bad about having an ego attack about it, but I have worked incredibly hard to produce the Y2K9 (and 7 other) Live Looping Festivals, annually in Santa Cruz and used the Y2K-? International Live Looping Festival for many years now. I'm really proud what we've accomplished as a community in those annual festivals and aware that they have inspired other events in other countries (though I can't take any credit for that, of course) Each festival (as festival producers Sjaak Overgauw, Fabio Anile, Massimo Livernani, Luca Formentini, Bruno Kleinedfeld, Michael Peters, Leander Reininghaus, Andreas Willers, Rainer Straschill Bernhard Wagner, Andy Butler, Os, Gareth Whittock, Peter Koniuto, Hans Lindauer, David Kirdorffer, Sunao Inami and so many other people who I may have missed in this cursory list, have learned the hard way) takes a tremendous labor of love to pull off and , literally months of hard work. I'm, currently, in month 4 of working on it with 2 and a half months left to go, as an example All without payment About the Y2K-? International Live Looping Festivals: I'm very proud of a few things that have distinquished it (not made it better, mind you because the festivals in the past two summers alone in the UK and Europe have been amazing) from all the other wonderful looping festivals that have been produced with so much hard work from their producers. 1) I'm proud that I have constantly tried to have 'newbies' play in the early hours of the 48 hour marathong of the mainfestival. This is NOT a popular thing to do if you look at other festival producers which is okay, but I"m proud of having helped to turn many, many young talented musicians on to looping through the use of the loan of my own personal gear to get them to create a 'newbie' set. 2) I'm also proud that it has been the largest festival of it's kind each year on the planet and I've been told by several live looping festival producers that it was a direct inspiration on their decisions to put on the wonderful looping festivals they'd put on. Soooooooo, please forvive me but would it be too much ego to ask that people not call other live looping festivals by the Y2K moniker? None of them have been called that, to my knowledge so far. For one thing such inaccurate mentions really effect my website hits to have several festivals referred inaccurately by the Y2K handle (one, which I admittedly borrowed and morphed from Michael Peter's and I'm counting on publicity from those website hits when strangers put live looping festival into a search engine. I don't have this term legally registered. I have no right to it at all. In fact I borrowed it and morphed it from Michael Peter's My2K website originally in 2000. So I'm merely asking as a favor to keep that moniker for this festival. ******************************************* Like I say, I'm really nervous about an ego smackdown for admitting that I have an ego attachment to that moniker (at least until I stop doing the festival, or pass it on, some time in the next few years) but I do think I've earned it. By the way, I adore Luis Angulo. He is like a brother to me so I'm not upset with him about this at all in any personal way. I am sending this message along to him now as well as to the L.D. Daily Digest. I just felt sheepish but realized that it was causing me a bit of ego death and I felt under appreciated (which I KNOW is not Luis's intention-----he's just putting up the amazing performances that garnered him a return visit to the Antwerp Live Looping Festival next summer...............amazing and inspiring stuff as always from Luis. Okay.....................let me know if you think I'm out of line. Let the flames yours, respectfully, Rick Walker Y2K9 International Live Looping Festival