Subject: VirtualPostGigArchiveSpam: Jim Goodin - Jeff Duke - Music for a Saturday
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 11:50:35 -0500
Last night after tweaking my audio setup for doing the NinJam/uStream feeds to resolve some previous dropout issues I've been having, I contacted Jeff (a.k.a. 'ffff) about using his server and doing a test run. We had not planned a formal live show this weekend as friend Peter [Thorn] from our new collective Goodin/Thorn/Istorico/Duke (yet to be named) had computer problems this weekend and couldn't play.
Well the test proved stable, we started having some cool 'noise' happening that paralleled a set Daryl and I did last month as part of the Norcal Noisefest (Great fun!), so we kept going and put it online live on uStream for over an hour. Here's the link for a playback experience as this was spontaneous and unpromoed. We continue to use the fine imagery of Emile Tobenfeld by the way.