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Ontario Loopers? (was: OREGON LOOPERS)

Yes, Ted Harms is alive and well - he is me!  Apologies for my delaying in replying but I've been loading up on tofurkey...

Sorry, Ted K, but I've never been to Oregon though it sounds nice.  Closest I've been was 40+ years ago when I was born in Seattle.  Our contact was a little while back when I bought a Boss RPS-10 half-rack unit from you.

Many thanks for the kind words, Paul!  (BTW, basement problems have been addressed - I'll let you know how it turned out!)

So, are Paul and I the only Ontario loopers?  I gather Zoe is originally from Guelph...

Ted H.
Enemies are good for self-definition. Werner Herzog

--- On Sat, 12/26/09, tEd ® KiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net> wrote:

From: tEd ® KiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net>
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Received: Saturday, December 26, 2009, 1:24 PM

Thanks Paul.

When I found my old e-mail exchanges with him I saw where he was actually from . . . and remembered.

I just hadn't wanted to share EXACTLY how far off my recollection of things had gotten in my last missive.

Sadly, I was still trying to protect some semblance of self-esteem in this forum.

Thanks for keeping me honest (LOL).

C'est la vie.

Ted Killian

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