Sorry if this is being sent multiple times- for some reason, it appears as if they're not getting sent, shouldn't I get a copy of my posting, too? -anyhow just wanna make sure you all get this-hope not too bugging-
Hello loopers, Steve Uccello here saying Hi, Happy New Year's, and that I'm really enjoying being part of the Looper's Delight list, it's great to be part of a community that appreciates art that is a bit out of the way, I believe open mindedness offers a great reward, I feel lucky due to the diverse enrichment I receive from art made by passionate artists, not art just made for $! -Thanks
Also I'm letting you know I've just finished a new record using live looping in the studio. "Clarified Birds: The Forest That Hears And The Fields That Sees". Music & art based on the Hyronimus Bosch paining
of the same name.
It's my first attempt to create extended length ambient, trance, drone music. It features lots of bowed double bass, dobro bass slide style, acoustic guitar, chau gong, and a few simple effects. It starts out solo bass, plucking a root note & bowing a melody at the same time, then kicks into some harmonic singing emulation drones using the bow on the upright bass. The pieces are mostly improvised along w/ a bit of composing. Definitely music meant for chilling too! Hope you all enjoy and look forward to getting to know you all more in 2010-