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RE: New Loop

I see, I was thinking of upgrading from the 'rang due to sample rate and routing/panning options.  I'm not as concerned about recording quality (I don't record my looping other than to capture the moment), this is for live solo performance and I like simplicity. for 'in the box' looping and recording I use software.

I've got a decent signal chain: taylor 314ce with a bagg's m1/padi preamp, beta58 vocal mic, green bullet harmonica mic, marshall as50r acoustic amp, 'rang and pedals in the loop so I can loop/effect vocals and guitar...but the boomerang's best sampling rate is only 24k, 11.76k freq max... so once I layer about 5-6 things it gets a little muddy with no panning options. I compensate with some pedals and technique on guitar and vocals, like singing in the green bullet for dynamics and flavor...I'm adding a small 6ch mixer for more eq & panning capabilities than the marshall, but it hasn't arrived yet...my loop out of the rang will still be mono but I can separate it from the live instruments and gain a little more clarity...

thanks for the info and happy new year to you as well...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: New Loop
From: Todd Chambeau <tchambeau@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, January 01, 2010 1:19 pm
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com


Glad you liked it. There was not much post-production, but I went directly out of my Allen& Heath mixing board into Pro Tools. This way I got away from the boxy sounding mic on the camcorder. Then when I mixed down in Protools I added a touch of Eq at  7k and 2db worth of gain reduction through a Manley Vari-Mu compressor. I guess some would say that is a decent amount of "Post Production"
The reverbish sound of the loop is from the presets on the A&H Mixing board.
The only non-live portion of the looping, was the strat lead and one of the high harmony vocal parts, which I did to cover up an off-key part. The Strat went directly into Protools, where I added a hint of reverb, nothing else.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think the EDP will give you a "better quality " sound. It really starts with the quality of instruments, then your recording chain.
The EDP probably has more options on it's looping capability, but I have only scratched the surface with it and really just mostly use the overdub feature to layer parts.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Happy New Year

On Jan 1, 2010, at 12:43 PM, fh@flatheadband.com wrote:

I've been lurking for a while as well, looping with a 'rang for a couple of years and am working up to shooting a vid of my performances, your work is inspiring...how much post work did you do to the track? if all that's live, I think I might have to move past my boomerang if this is what an edp sounds like.  I play guitar, bass and sing and the low vocals really sound clear...loved the track and I echo the comments on the track's progression into chaos...nice.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: New Loop
From: Todd Chambeau <tchambeau@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, December 30, 2009 12:02 pm
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com


I just wanted to thank everyone for the help over the last year. I've
learned alot from just lurking and asking the occasional questions. I
would also like to thank Luca from Italy for sending me that EDP manual.

Here is loop I did after sorting through some old family video.
It is through my EDP.


Todd Chambeau