TED K SAYS: As per usual, your genius for shear low-fi whackness is darn near
breath-taking. wow, that made my day. my name anywhere near "genius"-ha, but i'll take "lo-fi whackness" any day! as for looking like "klein" guitars-yeah, i was fascinated w/ them for quite awhile, so trying to combine the ergonomic qualities of them w/ a headstock was a goal. & my last headless-which was my closest to a klein-sits in pieces awaiting my next project...guess we'll see... as for the guys near you trying to build guitars-more power to them. my dream job would be to build guitars, but my skills are pretty minimal, then when i think about it: i'd rather build for myself-the thought of building a guitar that someone would actually like seems like an impossible nightmare. oh well...happy looping... s---