? re: the digitech jamman-does this slow down the audio w/o changing the pitch-is this a worthwhile feature? i'm thinking from my experience w/ digital delays and tape loops-i love the fact of slowing down thing and it gets all low and growly (or speed up and it's mickey mouse land)-is this something people exploit a lot?
and vid links of this in action?
? re: jamman stereo-any date when it comes out?
i've sort of been interesting in this-just curious if anyone knew
nels cline dvd-yea, i know the dvd is not like being there-it never is, but the best close approximation i can get....we all live in a simulacrum. and i know from my painting background seeing him work in real w/ the texture scale would be much better.
i'm just glad they put it out.
and yes the dual household living w/ a non-looper (my wife did play flute long ago)--she's accepted most of my loop listenings (dt & his splattercell stuff), some of the out there folks she still can't grasp...oh well....
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