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Re: Im bored of my TC Fireworx! HELP!

Hey Mark all I can say is dig deeper, and I say that as if I'm saying  
it to myself, because I've barely scratched the surface. What I've  
mostly done is take pre existing patches and refined them to my  
liking. I'm particularly fond of a patch which originated from the  
factory preset Fireworlds, using a synced two tap delay set to 1/2  
note against dotted 1/4 note, with a dual delayed pitch shift  set to  
1/4 note against dotted 1/8th note, with a reverb and panner also in  
the chain. The Fireworx is clocked from the Looperlative's first loop.  
What I especially like is how flexible the expression pedal  is. It  
can multitask  many parameter functions and can for instance bring  
one  effect in to the mix as I  do with delay at the half way point in  
the pedals throw and bring in my pitch shifted delay only in the toe  
down position, at the same time the pedal is ever so slightly  
increasing the delays regeneration and the reverb mix. My favorite  
patch is the simplest , delay with reverb and depending on if I'm in  
stereo or not, panning. but the expression pedal allows me to go from  
and intimate small hall sound to a huge cavern sound, with long delay  
and blooming reverb, as a matter of fact I believe it started life as  
the preset Big Cave. I can't wait to find the time to try some of the  
tricks you mentioned Per, way cool, as far as it lacking processing  
power, Rainer, I haven't found that to be an issue as I am more than  
happy to use fewer effects if the sound quality is happening. I first  
got to check it out when recording with Erdem in June of 08 and last  
March. My first impression was that it was able to do everything I  
wanted to do in the way of effects processing, including a bunch of  
ways of dynamically controlling those effects, and though certainly  
not as powerful, it was lighter in weight, shorter in chassis depth  
and 1/3 the price of the Eclipse.  I still feel that way.