Hi I know your comment was related to a MAC but the same principals should apply. I have had issues, with a PC based set up on an M-Audio Black Box, (When it works it is superb) when it does not its is soooo! frustrating. What I have noticed is that it is all about the sequence (order) that you switch things on in. eg if I boot the PC and my sequencer package before the Black Box it does not work correctly. So I have found that it is best to switch on the Black Box (before anything else) then boot the PC, Once the operating system is running, I check in control panel to see if the operating system and the hardware are 'talking' to each other. Then I boot the sequencer package, as it boots it checks the Input/Output interface of the attached device. At this point if it checks OK then everything will work fine. If not then I go back and start the sequence again until they are 'talking' to each other correctly. I used to be a computer/electronics engineer but have given it up to focus on my music and yes I also hate computer when they don't work. There is nothing worse than when you have that inspirational moment of creativity and you need to get it down and you get tripped up by a bit of kit playing up. For info I currently use a number of looping devices and fx at various times Roland RC50 Akai HeadRush II Adrenalinn II Boss GT6 Ebow M Audio Black Box Ableton Live (demo version) In the past I used to have a WEM Copycat (a classic) Nothing beats that tape saturation sound. And have experience of all sorts of hardware and software packages for the MAC and PC (even Atari's and older kit) I am currently in the middle of recording an Album 'Spider Mind Safari' that will be launched on the Fri 28th May 2010. I am collaborating with many different artists/poets/musicians You can check out my Facebook Blog here. http://bit.ly/SpiderMindSafari_Launch_Event One or more tracks will included looping. Please check out the blog and if you think others may be interested please pass it on. I hope that helps. Kind regards Kevin Jenkins BSc MA SelectaSound 07788779917 play@selectasound.co.uk www.selectasound.co.uk From: mark@markfrancombe.com Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 01:23:17 +0200 Subject: computer ozone mainstage rant before bedtime To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com Please excuse the following rant. Its completely necessary I'm afraid, or else either the MacBookPro, the Ozone keyboard/soundcard or me will be going out the window. (Maybe all 3) So, I sit down for an evening of forgetting my differences I have with software loopers and, in the spirit of bettering myself and my possibilities to getting to a little known west coast festival later in the year, and possibly needing a slightly more PRO sound for a famous guys tour I might be auditioning for.. (long sentance sorry) I plug in my ( I know I know not very profesh, but its what I ve got for now OK) MAudio Ozone into the mac, and fire up Mainstage... Play guitar thats plugged into Ozone.. OK... silence.. not too surprised, fiddled a bit.. silence... changed cables, tested cables, tested guitar on hardware rig... no problems.. OK troubleshoot, close Mainstage, open Logic (I HAVE connected my guitar into logic before) silence.. Play a track in Logic... sound comes thru my speakers lovely... make Tea... so Ozone is working... at least output is... Close Logic open Reaper (DAW that always workd for me) silence... OK check hardware.. wait.... CLUE... NO clipping light on Ozone when I beat the shit out of guitar.. infact no volume lights at all.. check cables again... check AudioMidi setup utility... all volume controls grayed out on MAudioOzone.. but was it always like that.. I think so... So Im stumped... The few times I have plugged a guitar into my lappy, this is the way I did it... Ill say it one more time HATE COMPUTERS!!! OK Rant over, I'm afraid it didn't help much... It was nice knowing you all... Any useful suggestions ? Please inform my mourning wife... her husband is lying broken outside among a pile of plastic and metal... Mark PS; Id like "Poor old Mark, he´s in the dark" on my gravestone please... -- www.markfrancombe.com www.ordoabkhao.com http://vimeo.com/user825094 http://www.myspace.com/markfrancombe http://www.looop.no/shop/catlabel.php?q=Synch%20Non%20Synch Get a free e-mail account with Hotmail. Sign-up now. |