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Re: OT: Get more reverb/delay on higher pitch vocals?

Wow, you are coming up with so interesting experiments lately! What
system you are using? Software? If so, which one? It's a bit tricky to
help when not knowing the details.

And where to you put that side-chained compressor? It will let through
less signal when there is audio streaming through the side-chain
source channel. If using Logic or Mainstage one can also do this trick
with the Noisegate plugin, but that would work in the opposite
direction; letting through more signal when there is audio streaming
through the side-chain source channel. The Autofilter can also be
side-chained to directly filter high or low frequencies according to
what goes on at another channel (where you fetch the side-chain from).

Another technique is to use an Envelope Follow function plugin to read
signal and directly affect a parameter in the reverb or delay.
Envelope Follow is available in Reaper and Bidule as far as I know.
Probably also in Live if one has Max 4 Live too. Among hardware boxes
I've set this up in the TC FireworX and Calrec mixer/pre amp channel

One way to generate "more reverb" (or delay) is to send out an aux
send from the channel that hosts the effect and target this aux
channel to feed back into the effect channel. If doing this it is good
to slap a delay with no dry signal over the line to prevent
uncontrolled inboard audio feedback. In such a feedback loop one can
put side-chained plugins or envelopefollow controlled plugins.

And then there is the reverb plugin Eos from Audiodamage that has this
incredible Infinite Button!

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com internet music hub

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:05 PM,  <buzap@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi folks
> I've been unsuccessfully trying to get a vocal patch together that will 
>add more reverb (or delay) when singing at higher pitches.
> I have tried with no succeess:
> - using extreme EQ/hi-pass filters to isolate frequency for additional 
>wet reverb/delay
> - done the same thing with frequency-sensitive gate
> - Used the above signal for a sidechained-compressor
> still, no succeess :-(
> Do you have any practical idea how to really achieve that? Are there any 
>practical reverb settings (damping, reflections?) that could be helpful?
> Please answer only if you have really seen this work or have educated 
>guesses concerning useful reverb settings. I know it should work "in 
>theory" and it actually does for adding extra deep octave at bottom end.
> But I haven't manage to really make it work so far...
> best regards
> Buzap
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